Support the City of Vergennes Recreation Department
Your generosity helps us enhance recreational opportunities for our community.
To donate by check, please make it payable to City of Vergennes and include a note in the memo section specifying how you'd like your donation to be used (e.g., Disc Golf, Pavilion, Jr. Fishing Derby, Skate Park, Tennis/Pickleball Courts, Basin Docks, Trails, City Park, Scholarships, Ice Rink, etc.). Mail your check to:
City of Vergennes
120 Main Street
Vergennes, VT 05491
If you are donating online, you must have an account on MyRec or create one. Click the link below to select the amount you’d like to contribute, and be sure to indicate in the memo section how you’d like your donation to be earmarked (e.g., Disc Golf, Pavilion, Jr. Fishing Derby, and more).
All donations are tax-deductible. Thank you for supporting recreational opportunities in Vergennes. Your contributions make a lasting impact on our community!